Traditional freshman applicants are typically under the age of 21, currently enrolled in high school or have graduated from high school within the past two years. Except for dual enrollment during high school, they have not attended a college or university.
*正式成绩单被定义为直接从高中或选定的电子服务发送到bet8体育娱乐入口的成绩单. 成绩单 emailed from the student to ODU are not acceptable.
SAT/ACT成绩,自报成绩, or 测试可选 (see 考试成绩 后面的一节)
Optional Items: 活动的简历, 推荐信 and/or 个人陈述
- 官方高中成绩单(或GED成绩单)
- 官方SAT/ACT考试成绩或考试可选
- 活动的简历 (highly recommened for institutional scholarship consideration)
- 推荐信
- 个人陈述
Electronically and directly from the testing agency using ODU's CEEB Codes.
- SAT: 的 College Examination Entrance Board (CEEB) code is 005126.
- ACT:报告ACT分数的代码是4347.
- Directly from your high school counselor on an official high school transcript. 成绩单 emailed to ODU by the student are not acceptable.
Self-reported test scores are welcome but are not used in the admission decision process. 包括自我报告分数的申请,如果在做出决定之前提交和收到,将仅根据GPA或GPA +官方分数进行入学审查. 一旦收到录取和奖学金通知, 官方考试成绩(原始或更新)必须包含在任何基于成绩的奖学金增加申请中.
ODU's "测试可选" admission program allows high school students in a rigorous, 大学预备课程是第一次申请大学的选择,不考虑SAT或ACT成绩.
- 对可选申请者进行3分测试.3 or greater GPA are eligible for merit-based scholarship consideration.
- Not all applicants may be eligible for test-optional admission, nor does the selection of test-optional guarantee admission to the university.
入学 to bet8体育娱乐入口 does not guarantee admission to a specific degree program. 一旦学生被大学录取,以下课程需要额外的申请:
- Cytotechnology
- 口腔卫生
- 环境卫生
- 医疗技术
- 核医学技术
- 护理
- 眼科技术
大学先修课程(AP), 国际文凭(IB)和剑桥高级A/AS考试是在高中获得大学学分的好方法. Send your scores to ODU through the College Board using the CEEB code: 005126. Freshman applicants may also have scores indicated on their high school transcript. 等同课程
- If you choose an electronic transcript service, transcripts should be emailed to
- If you choose to mail credentials* to our 办公室, each set of official transcripts 必须保存 在原来密封的信封里, then placed in a new, larger envelope, and mailed to ODU. 打开的成绩单被认为是非正式的 不能在申请过程中使用.
- In order to correctly match credentials to applications, please list your complete legal name and date of birth on all documents.
申请 | 申请的最后期限 | 存款期限 |
秋季提早行动 | 12月1日 | 6月1日 |
秋季常规决策 | 2月15日(滚动) | 6月1日 |
春季入学 | 10月1日(滚动) |
Applications received after the published deadlines will be evaluated on a rolling basis.
有或没有提交考试成绩申请的一年级申请者将自动被考虑为择优奖学金. 该奖项是基于学习成绩, 由招生办公室管理, and recipients are notified at the time of admission to the University.
院校奖学金及捐赠奖学金, 由财政援助办公室颁发, 是基于申请人在入学申请的院校问题上选择“是”,并从适当类别中作出选择. 另外, 学生的课外经历或参与活动通常会在活动简历上注明,可以通过电子邮件发送到 Fin援助, notifying the Office of Student 金融援助 of eligibility that may be considered.
Non-traditional freshman applicants are defined as students who graduated from high school, 或取得普通教育文凭, more than two years ago and never enrolled at a regionally accredited college or university.
*正式成绩单被定义为直接从高中或选定的电子服务发送到bet8体育娱乐入口的成绩单. 成绩单 emailed from the student to ODU are not acceptable.
SAT/ACT成绩,自报成绩 IF completion of high school was within the past three years.
- 官方高中成绩单(或GED成绩单)
- SAT/ACT 考试成绩 IF completion of high school was within the past three years.
转学申请者被定义为, 高中毕业后, 在ODU的预定入学期限之前就读(或正在就读)学院或大学(不包括Old Dominion university). 第二学位申请人已获得至少一个本科学位,并正在寻求获得另一个本科学位. 军事 applicants who are seeking their first degree are considered transfer students.
Official College Transcript(s) (from ALL previously attended institutions)*
*正式成绩单定义为直接从院校或选定的电子服务(例如.e. 羊皮纸)到bet8体育娱乐入口. 成绩单 emailed from the student to ODU are not acceptable.
- If you choose an electronic transcript service, transcripts should be emailed to
- If you choose to mail credentials* to our 办公室, each set of official transcripts 必须保存 在原来密封的信封里, then placed in a new, larger envelope, and mailed to ODU. 打开的成绩单被认为是非正式的 不能在申请过程中使用.
- In order to correctly match credentials to applications, please list your complete legal name and date of birth on all documents.
Official 高中成绩单 (if earning and transferring with less than 24 college credits)
bet8体育娱乐入口, a 军事 friendly institution ranked the top "Best for Vets" school in Virginia by 军事时期, has been named a "军事 Friendly School" 8 years in a row by G.I. 工作的杂志. A quarter of the ODU student body is affiliated with the U.S. 军事. We provide the tools and resources necessary to help our 军事 Monarchs succeed. ODU军事网站
秋季入学申请 | 8月1日 |
春季入学 | 10月1日 |
夏季入学 | 3月15日 |
Use our transfer tool to compare course-by-course equivalency. 课程评估工具
流动通行证是一项独特的转学合作计划,适用于bet8体育娱乐入口的新生申请者. 这些申请者, 他们可能还没准备好作为大一新生开始在ODU学习, are encouraged to enroll in classes at one of the following partnering community colleges. 了解更多►
的 保证入学协议 的目的是为了缓解之间的转移过程 弗吉尼亚社区学院系统 (VCCS)和bet8体育娱乐入口(ODU). 了解更多►
非学位入学适用于不寻求进入学位课程,但希望在bet8体育娱乐入口注册课程的申请人. 非学位申请人必须完成并提交在线入学申请,以注册任何课程.
- 来访的学生 - 在bet8体育娱乐入口修读课程,并打算将课程学分转入其家乡学位授予机构的学生.
- 证书课程学生 - individuals expanding their academic background or seeking teacher certification. For information related to registering for a certificate program, 请直接与教务部门联系. Financial aid is not available for nondegree students, except those in approved teacher certification programs.
- 成人学习者 - students taking courses for personal and/or academic growth.
- 高中资优学者 - 具有特殊学术能力的高中生可以在完成高中学习的全部课程之前上课. Students must submit scores from the SAT and/or ACT along with their high school transcript. 另外, 必须提交高中校长的信,支持学生提前注册大学水平课程的请求. (permission from the high school principal and parent/or legal guardian is required).
- 被bet8体育娱乐入口或任何其他机构休学的学生不能作为非学位学生入学.
- 被bet8体育娱乐入口拒绝录取的传统大一申请者,如果不改变原来的申请类型,就没有资格申请非学位入学.
- 高中成绩单
- 高中校长的推荐信,支持学生提前注册大学水平课程的要求.
返回的学生, sometimes referred to as continuing or readmit students, 申请学位的学生是否曾就读于bet8体育娱乐入口,并已离开该大学至少一年. 所有自愿离校的本科学位学生,在学术成绩良好的情况下,都有资格申请重新入学. 了解更多►
©Glen McClure
安吉索托 is on the path to securing her dream job as a cybersecurity expert. 她是bet8体育娱乐入口(bet8体育娱乐入口)坚定的第一代学生,她想激励其他女性在STEM相关领域攻读学位. Half of ODU’s first-time freshmen are first-generation college students. 在成长过程中, Angie became interested in technology when she helped her family solve computer problems. 当弗吉尼亚州州长在她的高中谈到需要网络安全专家和工作机会时, 安吉意识到这是一个完美的选择. 的 National Security Agency (NSA) has designated the bet8体育娱乐入口's Cyber Operations B.S. program as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations (CAE-CO). 有了这个名称, ODU加入了全国仅有的12个网络作战学士项目的独家小组. 美国国家安全局的CAE-CO指定表明,ODU的网络运营学士课程符合美国国家安全局严格的学术要求, 技术, 研究要求. ODU网络安全教育与研究中心(CCSER)支持ODU服务学生和丰富弗吉尼亚联邦的使命, 这个国家, 并通过严谨的学术项目与世界接轨, 战略合作伙伴关系, 积极的公民参与. CCSER的使命是在跨学科的环境中促进网络安全研究和教育. CCSER包括来自大学所有学院和报告单位的教职员工, 包括资讯科技服务, VMASC和军事事务.